
Why Are Surplus Motors So Advantageous?

Thursday December 07, 2023 01:00 AM To Friday May 03, 2024 01:00 AM


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Whether your business is in need of an energy-efficient replacement motor, wants to reduce downtime, or can benefit from attractive utility rebate values, your options are many.One option that is often overlooked is buying a surplus motor. This is a wise approach, for several reasons: 1. Less depreciation.

When it comes to electric motors, there are many situations where a new build may not be the best option. Whether due to budget constraints, an older model that cannot be replaced, or just the need for a quick fix to get things up and running, purchasing surplus can be your best bet.Surplusrecord carries both new and used surplus industrial electric motors from top brands. These motors are ideal for a wide range of applications such as mixers, cranes, machine tools, and generators.Additionally, we have a variety of options for each surplus motor, including as-is (cheap, no warranty, best for temporary use), E-ok (electrical functionality assumed acceptable, will need some reconditioning but not a complete rewind), and rebuilt. This helps reduce the depreciation of the motors over time.For the most reliable and affordable surplus motors, click here or explore our official marketplace.

The initial price of a surplus motor may be much lower than the cost of a new build. This is especially true if you’re looking to replace an older model that is no longer being manufactured or a hard-to-find electric motor for a special application.Purchasing a surplus motor can save you up to 30% or more upfront compared to the cost of a new build. This makes it a smart choice for applications with tight budgets or when you need to fill in the gap while your new motor is being built or repaired.At Electric Motors For Sale, we offer a wide range of used and surplus industrial electric motors. We carry a variety of brands. Contact us today to find the right surplus motor for your facility.

In many instances, purchasing a surplus motor may be the best option to reduce downtime. This is especially true for critical lines that can cause major production issues if they aren’t working. Studies have shown that just one hour of downtime can cost a manufacturer thousands in revenue.A reputable vendor will be able to offer a refurbished used motor that can save you both money and time while waiting for your repair or replacement to get built or repaired. They will also have the inventory to offer a faster turnaround.In addition to providing a fast alternative, this booklet also recommends operational monitoring and maintenance. One of the most valuable sections is Appendix C, which provides motor storage recommendations. This information is often difficult to find and can save end users significant money in the long run.

When you have a surplus motor available to use while another is being repaired or replaced, the impact on profitability from the downtime can be significantly less. That’s because you can avoid the long lead times for a new motor by relying on a quality vendor to refurbish or build a surplus model.Whether to replace an existing motor now with an energy-efficient model or wait until it fails depends on how many hours a year the current motor is used, the energy price, and the availability of utility rebate programs or other discounts. You can estimate how quickly an efficient model will pay for itself using a simple payback table based on typical motor efficiencies and prices. It’s also important to address power quality issues to maximize reliability and efficiency.


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Start Date: 2023-12-07 01:00:00
End Date: 2024-05-03 01:00:00