backrooms game
Friday July 28, 2023 01:00 AM To Wednesday July 17, 2024 01:00 AM
New york, AL
Thank you for your interest in the backrooms game. However at this time, registration for this event has closed.
Event Details
When you first begin playing Backrooms Game, you will be placed on a very little raft. However, it would be to your advantage to exercise extreme caution, since it would not be difficult for your adversaries to take control of your base. In order to increase the size of your domain, you will need to sail out into the ocean and find additional floating rafts. It will be of more use to you if you can find some persons who are willing to assist you in achieving this objective. There is a great deal of valuable material dispersed across the ocean. This contains stuff like protective structures, powerful engines, riches, and several other helpful items.